osTicket App Information
The osTicket App is a mobile application that ties into the osTicket software and acts as an extension of the osTicket software for your mobile device. Our eTicket mobile application makes a mobile app for osTicket users. Our API connects your mobile device to the application in real time. Don’t forget, you MUST have the osTicket system running on a web server and have access to FTP/upload files to the system prior to purchasing the app.
The osTicket App has all of the same interface features as the user osTicket interface portal, with very few exceptions. Users can easily accomplish most of the same tasks with no hassle, including creating tickets, editing them, assigning, and deleting. We rely on and appreciate any feedback about the process. It is simple to set up and use, and will instantly eliminate the hassle of needing to be tied to your PC or laptop to get the job done.
We created the osticket App because we needed a way to stay connected with our clients. Since we are always on the move, our customers needed a way to stay connected and increase our productivity. After seeing the app through to completion and enjoying the fruits of our labor, we decided to share it with the world on the ITunes store. It is now available for purchase and review at any time. We keep the app updated constantly with fixes, features, and new ideas being implemented, and do our best to respond to all requests in a timely fashion.
We use osTicket Support system ( every minute of every day, and it has become an extension of our work process. Since we rely heavily on the osTicket software, we needed a way to stay on top of requests as they come in. The osTicket App provides a simple way to keep in touch with clients, and includes many of the same features as the actual osTicket application. It is a fantastic alternative to attempting to do things like create, edit, assign, and delete tickets on the mobile version of the osTicket site.
The application is simple to set up, and we’ve provided downloads and information HERE. We hope you enjoy using the osTicket App. Feel free to leave a review on the ITunes store if you did: Leave a Review of the osTicket App. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas for the app, you can contact us here.